Archive for March 2015

Week 7: Business Plans

Hold Over from Week 6 1. Can Valve’s Bossless Company Model Work Elsewhere? 2. Example critique format – Example+Critique+Format (1) 3. Steps to giving good feedback – Steps+to+Giving+Good+Feedback (1) 4. SimCity 5: How Not to Design a Single Player Game Week 7 1….Continue Reading →

Week 7: jQuery

1. Getting Started with jQuery: 2. Introduction to the DOM: jQuery and HTML – 3. Slides – JQuery (1) 4. Mastermind Code –

Farmer Game Code

<html> <head> <script> window.onload = init; function init () { var animalList = [“pig”, “cow”, “horse”, “duck”]; var soundsList = [“oink”, “moo”, “neigh”, “quack”]; var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * animalList.length); var animal = animalList[randomNum]; var sound = soundsList[randomNum]; var soundPlace…Continue Reading →

Homework 3

Following from the pseudo code you developed in class, design a game or application that uses all of the following: Objects Functions Arrays Variables Built-in functions Loops If/Else statements DOM/Elements Your project should meaningfully integrate each element towards accomplishing your…Continue Reading →