COSC 405 SP2015

Week 13: Quickfire Business Plan

1. Ad Week Social Media Cheat Sheet –

Team Standings

+===============================+ |#Supplies! | +======+==========+======+======+ | | Money | Fans | Time | +======+==========+======+======+ |Start:| 100K | 100 | 24 | +======+==========+======+======+ |Rd 1 | -2K | -400 | – | +======+==========+======+======+ |Rd 2 | -4K | 300 | 3 |…Continue Reading →

How To Dress Like A Leader In Any Work Environment

If you still aren’t sure how to dress for the final class session here is a guide: For the presentation Mainstream Casual and up are acceptable (women can wear pants instead of skirts).

Week 11: Publishing

Week 10 Materials 1. Slides – Managing+Schedules 2. Sample Software Development MS Project File – 01018453 3. Using Microsoft Project for Student Games – 4. List of Free Agile Planning Tools (MS Project Alternative) – Week 11 Materials 1. Slides – Publishing

Final Project – Annual Report

OVERVIEW Write a 2000 – 4000 word annual report for your company, as well as a five minute presentation.  As everyone is at various points in their development cycle, what goes into the report is variable.  See a list of…Continue Reading →

Business and Marketing Plan

Create a business and marketing plan for publishing a game through your own company.  The plan should be realistic and emphasize your creative vision and values.  It should argue that your company fills a unique, potentially profitable place in the…Continue Reading →