
Final Project Description

Your final project is a functioning (albeit prototype level) website for WBXS Open Baltimore (this is not a real company but you may base it loosely upon: http://centreconnect.org/cetv.html). This is a non-profit company which is trying to improve their management…Continue Reading →

Finished 2D Code and 3D Camera Code

The complete game with sound and game states Finished_2DGame 3D Game with camera and some primitives WindowsGame2

Database Scripts for PHP & MySQL

Sanitize User Input: <?php function sanitizeString($var) { $var = stripslashes($var); $var = htmlentities($var); $var = strip_tags($var); return $var; } function sanitizeMySQL($var) { $var = mysql_real_escape_string($var); $var = sanitizeString($var); return $var; } ?> Attempt simple queries using MySQLi <?php require ‘connect_mysqli.php’;…Continue Reading →

Homework 4

For this assignment you should have a dummy version of the the website. Not all the functionality of the site needs to be working yet (e.g. it doesn’t need full database integration or totally working PHP code). You should be…Continue Reading →

Source Code for Homework Due 10/26

The homework due 10/26 is to expand the automated sprite class to perform one of two functions: evade the player sprite or chase the player sprite. If you normally sit on the left side of the class you should write…Continue Reading →